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Side Effects of Cinnamon and Honey

Side Effects of Cinnamon and Honey

Cinnamon and honey are two extraordinary natural products commonly used in cooking and like medicinal agents.

However, their excessive use can have harmful effects and they should not be used in certain conditions and health situations. Therefore, here you will learn about the benefits of cinnamon and honey and their Side Effects of Cinnamon and Honey.

Side Effects of Cinnamon and Honey

Cinnamon with its medicinal properties and contraindications is a species widely used in gastronomy worldwide. The consumption of this product together with honey has been proposed for different problems such as diabetes mellitus and glycemic control, weight loss, antimicrobial effects, and on the immune system.

Known contraindications are restricted to known allergies to either cinnamon, honey, or pollen, and in pregnant women. It is a fairly safe product.

Can you have cinnamon and honey in pregnancy?

It is not recommended to drink infusions containing cinnamon during pregnancy. Although the effects have been seen in the first trimester, it has not been categorically shown that its consumption is safe.

In populations where cinnamon is part of the normal diet, such as in Arab countries, cinnamon has not been associated with pregnancy problems.

Can you have cinnamon and honey when breastfeeding?

There are no known contraindications or risks to consuming cinnamon and honey while breastfeeding.

Can you take cinnamon and honey in young children?

There is no evidence in the literature of harm caused by cinnamon and honey in children. So far in the entire literature, a single case of poisoning has been reported in 1998. ( Reference )

Can you have cinnamon and honey if you have kidney problems?
There are no contraindications in the medical literature that prevents consumption in people with kidney problems.

Side Effects of Cinnamon and Honey

Can you have cinnamon and honey if you have liver problems?

There is no downside to consuming cinnamon and honey in people with liver problems. As long as the consumption is reasonable.

Who should not take cinnamon and honey?

Pregnant women, heart disease, as well as some diabetics with a lot of lability in their glycemic numbers and people taking oral anticoagulants.

Cinnamon and honey tea contraindications
The contraindications of cinnamon and honey are basically:

People taking oral anticoagulants
Arterial hypertension
Pollen allergies
What are the contraindications of cinnamon and honey infusion?
The infusion of cinnamon and honey is contraindicated in pregnant women, people with allergies to cinnamon, honey, or pollen, already known.

Caution should be taken with the effects due to its high or continuous consumption for a long time because the effects are different in each person.

Cinnamon and honey for weight loss contraindications

The combination of honey and cinnamon has been proposed and used to lose weight. This is due to the fact that the effects on metabolism and blood glucose that cinnamon and the antioxidants in honey are added.

It can be used in combination with a balanced diet and physical activity to promote weight loss. The effects to lose weight as the only measure is very poor.

Cinnamon and honey tea side effects

Side Effects of Cinnamon and Honey

It is important to take precautions with cinnamon if you are pregnant or suspected of it and when taking other medications such as anticoagulants and medications to lower blood glucose

The side effects are digestive symptoms that occur with high and frequent intake and allergic reactions to either of the two components.

Is it bad to consume honey and cinnamon every day?

If there are no contraindications (which are few) and there are no side effects during its consumption, there is no problem in taking honey and cinnamon every day.

As with almost all-natural products, they should be taken in moderation since the maximum doses have not been measured and the effects are highly variable from one individual to another.

Contraindications of cinnamon and honey for the face

Cinnamon with honey has been used as a mask to take advantage of its benefits on the skin, for the treatment of acne, and with a repaired and nourishing effect. There are no contraindications for its topical use, except in specific cases of allergies to any of the components.

What are the contraindications of cinnamon?  

Cinnamon is contraindicated during pregnancy as it can increase blood flow and can induce uterine contractions and cause abortions. ( Reference )

Cinnamon can slightly increase the heart rate and produce changes in blood pressure, which is why it is not indicated in heart disease patients unless permitted by your doctor.

Avoid in cases of using oral hypoglycemic agents by diabetics, as they enhance the hypoglycemic effect.

Contraindications of cinnamon for hypertension

Cinnamon can regulate blood pressure figures in some patients. Isolated studies have been done in patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus with good results, but more studies are needed to make a more solid general recommendation. ( Reference )

Side effects of honey

Honey has few side effects. They are practically only allergic reactions to some component of honey or pollen.

Disadvantages of consuming honey and cinnamon
The disadvantages of consuming the combination of honey and cinnamon are limited to allergic reactions and precautions to be taken when consuming other medications, particularly hypoglycemic and anticoagulant, as well as in pregnancy.

Cinnamon Warnings
The warnings for the consumption of cinnamon are specifically for people taking oral hypoglycemic drugs, diabetics in treatment, which can accentuate the effect of these drugs and cause hypoglycemia. It also occurs with people who consume coumarin which is an oral anticoagulant.

As we have said previously, consumption should be avoided during pregnancy.

Cinnamon contraindications and toxicity
The contraindications of cinnamon are basically restricted to pregnancy and people who ingest oral anticoagulants or hypoglycemic agents.

On the other hand, the adverse effects of cinnamon are usually observed in cases of high and prolonged intakes, with different gastrointestinal symptoms or due to allergic reactions.

Read our guide on What foods not to eat for gastritis?

Side Effects of Cinnamon and Honey

It is bad to consume cinnamon every day

There is no maximum measure for consuming cinnamon that has been established. It can be consumed daily if there is good tolerance and there are no adverse effects or contraindications to consuming it.

Precautions and contraindications with cinnamon

cinnamon and honey contraindications
Cinnamon contains a phytotoxic compound called coumarin, which in excessive doses can cause liver and kidney problems. ( Reference )

This substance is found in a much higher proportion in cassia cinnamon, which is the most common and cheapest and the one sold in supermarkets.

The premium spice, called Ceylon cinnamon, contains much less coumarin, so the risks of poisoning are minimal.

Ceylon cinnamon is more difficult to come by and is generally only available in delicatessen stores at a price several times higher than the regular spice.

The maximum recommended doses to avoid the possibility of poisoning with coumarin are 2.5 teaspoons of Ceylon cinnamon or one of cassia a day.

Cinnamon is also contraindicated or should be used with caution after consulting the doctor in the following cases:

Pregnancy, can lead to miscarriage or premature delivery.
Patients with severe liver or kidney disease.
People who are taking anticoagulants or medications to lower blood sugar.
Precautions and contraindications with honey
The only risk with the topical use of honey in its natural state to treat wounds and burns is that it contains an infectious agent, although these problems are rare.

These risks can be avoided by consuming honey previously sterilized with gamma rays. This procedure eliminates any microorganism without altering the antibacterial characteristics of the product ( Reference ). Although these methods are not necessary for practice.

A risk with the oral use of honey is the pollen particles that it incorporates, which can affect people allergic to this component present in the flowers sucked by bees. However, these cases are also rare.

The American Pediatric Association recommends not giving raw honey to babies under one year of age to avoid the risk of contracting infant botulism, a rare but serious disease caused by a spore ( Reference ).

Side Effects of Cinnamon and Honey

Precautions extend to cinnamon and honey drinks

Honey and cinnamon-based beverages have become popular as a dietary supplement in weight-loss regimens.

However, since these beverages must be made without cooking their ingredients, the potential side effects that these can cause pass entirely to the preparation, in the same way as if they were used separately.

Despite its benefits for weight loss, it is not advisable to abuse drinks based on cinnamon and honey.

If after 4 months of ingesting them, the weight loss is very low or insignificant, discontinue use and reevaluate your strategy to win the battle with the scale, because something else may be failing.

Reasons not to cook honey
Many people wonder when is the best time to add honey to preparation and if this ingredient should be added to the saucepan that is on the fire or to the cup with a boiling infusion.

It is best to add the honey after the liquid to be sweetened has warmed or cooled.

The reason is that hot water (and much more fire) can ruin the enzymes and other delicate nutrients present in the raw product.

Ayurveda medicine recommends not heating honey beyond 40 ° C (104 ° F) to avoid changes in its composition that can turn it bitter.

Cinnamon and honey are two superfoods that must be present in your diet in the right amounts and as long as you do not face any type of contraindication.

In excessive doses, cinnamon can be toxic, so the best thing to do to fully and safely enjoy this spice is to buy Ceylon or real cinnamon.

Benefits of cinnamon

Some studies have determined that this spice reduces the level of glucose in the blood and acts as a moderator of insulin, also helping to reduce resistance to the hormone.

A 2015 review published in the  Journal of Nutrition concluded that cinnamon may be a useful alternative treatment for people with type 2 diabetes ( Reference ).

Other animal research has established that the antioxidants in cinnamon have anticancer effects, opening a window of opportunity for possible spice-based human cancer treatments ( Reference ).

The antimicrobial and antifungal properties of cinnamon have also been proven by research.

A 2012 study concluded that cinnamon oil capsules kill the yeast that causes yeast infection ( Reference ).

Benefits of honey

The topical properties of honey to cure infections and skin burns have been known since ancient times, as well as its attributes to treat throat problems, fatigue, constipation, infections, and other conditions. ( Reference )

A 2017 compilation published in Pharmacognosy Research on the medicinal attributes of honey points out its potential for the treatment of different conditions, thanks to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, antimicrobial, and anticancer components, including ( Reference ) :

Treatment and control of wounds.
Cardiovascular conditions.
Asthma and other respiratory problems.
Gastrointestinal disorders.
Neurological diseases.
Honey is rich in natural sugars, so the sweetener is used par excellence in drinks to lose weight, providing a convenient energy intake.

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