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10 What foods not to eat for gastritis? gethealthcares


What foods not to eat for gastritis

 We know that gastritis has several causes such as stress, medications, bad life habits, but one of the factors that most influences the symptoms and that we can control, is diet. Here we will see the food that not to eat for gastritis.

What foods not to eat for gastritis here:

1. Avoid hot sauce, chamoy, and chili powder

Spicy foods do not cause gastritis by themselves, but they do make it worse. It is literally like adding gasoline to the fire.

Be careful with salad dressings, sauces, and mustard.

If you are going to eat spicily and you do not have gastritis, do it in a moderate way. It is also recommended to remove the veins and seeds that it usually has. As in everything, if you do it in excess it can affect you. ( Reference )

prohibited foods for gastritis
But there is something more terrible for your gastritis than chamoy and chili powder.
The bacterium Helicobacter pylori, this bacterium is present in a large number of cases of gastritis, according to the Mayo Clinic in the United States. ( Reference )

And this bacteria, beyond what the spicy can cause, is the real culprit that gives you heartburn and stomach pain.

How do you get the Helicobacter pylori bacteria?

It is a widespread infection worldwide, you get infected by consuming contaminated water, or by eating in places on the street where food is not processed properly or the water is not well treated. This bacteria is very resistant to antibiotics and needs special treatment from gastroenterologists.

So maybe the hot sauce from the tacos you ate yesterday is not the biggest culprit for your gastritis, but the main culprit was the coriander that was washed with dirty water and gave you Helicobacter pylori. ( Reference )

And this bacteria, much more than the spicy one, is the real culprit that gives you gastritis, heartburn, reflux, and pain above the navel.

What foods not to eat for gastritis

2. Sugar

Sugar is considered an acidic food because of the type of reactions it causes in the stomach. An innocent donut, or sugar-laden ice cream, can have the same effect as a plate of hot chili.

Refined sugar can influence the motility and persistence of Helicobacter pylori in the digestive tract. ( Reference )

3. Avoid foods that are high in animal fats.

Meat, especially red meat, needs the secretion of many gastric juices to digest and is loaded with lactic acid, so you should limit its intake and opt for white meat, poultry and fish. This relationship has long been demonstrated even in experimental models ( Reference ).

4. Fried foods

We all know that fried foods and cupcakes are a direct path to obesity, but did you know that they aggravate gastritis symptoms? As they are very fatty, they are heavy on your system and are not easy to digest.

Some animal studies have found that eating fatty or high-cholesterol foods for three to four months may be enough to cause gastritis. ( Reference )

What foods not to eat for gastritis
                                                   What foods not to eat for gastritis

5. Coffee, citrus juices, and soft drinks

They are all acidic and irritating, and in the case of juices and soda, they are too sugary. If you suffer from gastritis, swap your black coffee for unsweetened green tea, and orange juice for apple nectar reduced in sugar.

Turn your back on carbonated drinks in general, as they aggravate symptoms and have no nutritional value.

6. Junk food and processed foods

There are thousands of reasons for you to stay away from them, regardless of whether or not you suffer from gastritis. Their nutritional value is minimal and they are full of saturated fats, sugars and refined flours.

It doesn't mean you never indulge in a pizza or burger, just avoid fast food places, make them yourself, or order them at traditional restaurants. ( Reference )

What foods not to eat for gastritis

7. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages in excess

Alcohol is very irritating to the stomach, worsens gastritis symptoms, and can cause them when consumed without moderation. If you're not going to avoid it completely, at least take it along with your meals.

Remember that frequent alcohol consumption is one of the main risk factors for suffering from some type of intestinal cancer. ( Reference )

8. Derivatives of milk and soy

Some people are intolerant to milk or soy. This intolerance can range from an allergic reaction to an episode of gastritis, being more common in children than in adults.

When you have gastritis, it is best to limit the consumption of whole dairy products derived from milk such as cheese, shakes and chocolate; as well as soy products and their derivatives such as soy milk and tofu. ( Reference )

9. Vinegar

Vinegar is a seasoning often used for commercial sauces and pickles. The problem is that when combined with sugar or seasonings, it becomes much more irritating. ( Reference )

What foods not to eat for gastritis
What foods not to eat for gastritis

10. Chocolate

Chocolate is not bad for gastritis, the problem is that most commercial presentations are characterized by having more fat, sugar, and milk than chocolate. If you are a chocolate lover, consume it in moderation, artisanal and dark. Chocolate plays an important role in gastroesophageal reflux. ( Reference )

What foods should I not eat if I have gastritis?

The best way to treat gastritis is to avoid foods that irritate the stomach and increase foods that reduce acidity.

There are five general rules you should follow so that your diet helps you fight gastritis and reduce your chances of developing an ulcer or worse.

What are the forbidden fruits for gastritis?

You should avoid eating too much citrus fruit such as grapefruit or orange, in moderation, there is no forbidden fruit if you have gastritis, if eating any citrus fruit causes gastritis, avoid it.

What is prohibited in gastritis is orange juice and any other fruit juice.

What fruits are good for gastritis?

Fruits such as papaya, papaya, apples, pears, and melon are generally preferred.

In cases of gastritis or gastric ulcers, it is recommended to reduce the number of citrus fruits. There is no need to remove them completely.

Rule # 1: You should stay away from spicy, greasy or overly spicy food
Since they irritate the stomach directly.

All junk food fried in fat or oil should be part of the food you say no to, thank you.

Rule # 2:
Increase your intake of high fiber foods such as vegetables, legumes, and fruits
Avoid overly acidic fruits and go for papaya, cantaloupe, and red apples instead.

Getting enough fiber, drinking plenty of water, and exercising is the winning combination for staying healthy.

Rule # 3: Don't skip meals
Having an empty stomach is lousy for people with gastritis. Many cases are characterized by skipping important meals such as breakfast.

Needless to say, having a coffee and a donut for breakfast is not a good option either.

Eat at least three balanced meals a day and two light snacks.

Rule # 4: Don't Saturate Your Stomach
The more food you consume in one sitting, the greater the number of gastric juices you produce and the greater the chances of gastritis or reflux.

Rule # 5: Identity what hurts you
Some feel relief by having a glass of milk when the first symptoms of gastritis appear, for others, this worsens the situation.

If you are lactose or gluten intolerant, eliminate them from your diet.

Foods that help prevent and treat gastritis
Not everything is just about restricting, there are also healthy and delicious foods that we can integrate to control the symptoms of gastritis.

Remember that five light meals a day is the best way not to overload your stomach and, at the same time, prevent an empty stomach from making the condition worse.

Apples, berries, onion, and celery

One of the main causes of inflammation in gastritis is a bacterium known as Helicobacter pylori.

Some foods high in flavonoids such as apples, berries, onion and celery, are full of antioxidants that can control the effect of free radicals in the body, which helps to suppress inflammation processes and fight bacteria.

Other foods rich in antioxidants are strawberries, cherries, green tea, and vitamin C.

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What foods not to eat for gastritis


Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that contains sulforaphane isothiocyanate, a compound that can kill H. pylori bacteria.

In a study done in mice with gastritis that was fed broccoli germ, they showed a significant improvement in inflammation and bacterial growth.


Garlic is one of the foods with the most antibacterial properties. Along with broccoli and other antioxidant-rich foods, it can interfere with H. pylori infection.

Some studies suggest that consuming garlic extract can prevent gastritis induced by this bacteria.

Green Tea

Many researchers support the notion that catechins, an antioxidant compound found in green tea, help fight gastritis.

Catechins can work where antibiotics fail, due to increased bacterial resistance.

Also, read our guide on the 10 incredible benefits of Green Tea

Fermented foods

Fermented foods such as yogurt, coque, and kefir are packed with probiotics that maintain healthy intestinal flora and fight gastritis, as they compete for space and nutrients against H. pylori bacteria.

Nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes
Fiber helps a lot with the digestive process, reduces gastric inflammation, prevents constipation, and works much better when you drink enough water.

Fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, oats, lentils, and beans are loaded with nutrients, tasty, and help you manage gastritis symptoms.

Green leaves

Green leafy vegetables like chard, spinach, and seaweed are packed with calcium, B vitamins, and iron.

Chronic gastritis is associated with a deficiency of vitamin B12 because the intestine cannot absorb it properly.

You can also consume vitamin B12 supplements.

What foods not to eat for gastritis


Tips to control your gastritis
Start with an elimination diet
If you are starting to watch your diet, first eliminate the harmful foods that we just mentioned. After a few weeks, reintroduce one at a time so you can monitor whether you are stable or symptoms worsen.

Not all people with gastritis get hurt the same or with the same intensity, so you can go through a short testing process to find out which foods aggravate your symptoms or if it is a particular combination of symptoms.

Eat hygienically prepared foods
Eating on the street is dangerous because they tend to be high-fat products and hygiene conditions are not optimal.

Gastritis is closely linked to bacterial processes, such as the H. pylori bacteria, which are found in contaminated water and dirty kitchen utensils.

just relax
Stress is another of the main causes of gastritis, so if you combine a healthy diet with a lifestyle that has spaces for relaxation and exercise, it is very likely that the symptoms of your gastritis will begin to reduce.

Many people with gastritis argue that they don't have time to relax or exercise, but there are always ways:

Listen to instrumental music on your trips.

Practice deep breaths two or three times a day.
Get up from your desk for ten minutes and do some stretches.
Remember that you should never make radical changes in your diet without consulting your trusted doctor.

What symptoms does gastritis give?

The most common symptoms include loss of appetite, nausea, bloating, abdominal pain, and, above all, pronounced burning in the pit of the stomach.

What complications can gastritis have?

In some severe cases, gastritis can cause stomach bleeding, which is detected by the appearance of black blood in the stool.

What foods should I not eat if I have gastritis?

Avoid all spicy foods, sauces, acids, junk or fried foods, caffeine, carbonated drinks, alcoholic beverages, and processed foods.

What foods are forbidden for gastritis?

The foods that we should avoid in case of gastritis are:

Very acidic foods: citrus juices (in excess), spicy, pepper, elaborate sauces or dressings, vinegar.

Fried or high-fat foods: junk food, fried foods, prepackaged foods.

Caffeine-based drinks, sodas, and alcoholic beverages, especially wine and beer.

What foods not to eat for gastritis

What can not be eaten for gastritis?

Throughout this article, we have mentioned the main foods to avoid in case of gastritis.

The most important thing is that you can define which foods you tolerate the least since each person develops a certain intolerance that is different and personal. The recommendations that are generated for gastritis are based on a selection of foods that commonly cause symptoms, but not necessarily strictly enforced for each individual.

In summary, you should eliminate acidic foods such as excess citrus juices, spicy, pepper, elaborate sauces or dressings, vinegar, junk food, fried foods, prepackaged foods, caffeine, sodas, and alcoholic beverages, especially wine and beer.

What foods can you eat when you have Helicobacter pylori?

Infection with Helicobacter pylori is very widespread in the population worldwide. There are several factors that influence the damage caused by bacteria in the stomach. This means that not all people who have the bacteria develop gastritis, ulcers or any other gastric disease.

The diet recommendations are based on the damage, the symptoms, and the consequences generated by the bacteria if any.

Consult your gastroenterologist, who can evaluate you and know exactly what type of problem you have if there is Helicobacter pylori.

The main thing is to prevent infection, avoiding consuming raw food on the street, and maintaining a level of hygiene when processing and preparing your own food.

What should you eat when you have stomach ulcers?

When there are ulcers in the stomach, a diet similar to gastritis cases should be maintained:

Very acidic foods: citrus juices (in excess), spicy, pepper, prepared sauces or dressings, vinegar, chili, onion, tomato, peppers, etc.

Avoid junk food, fried foods, and prepackaged foods,

Food or drinks that contain caffeine, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, especially, avoid wine and beer.

Examples of breakfast for gastritis
For breakfasts it is recommended:

Unsweetened cereals, cereal bread, or corn tortillas. Accompanied by ham or cooked eggs.

You can add lactose-free or skimmed milk drink or a serving of fruit such as apple, banana, pear or papaya

What can I have for dinner if I have gastritis?

In cases of gastritis it is recommended to have dinner:

Blue fish: sardines, salmon, or tuna baked or overflowing
Preferably cooked vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, and asparagus.
Half baked apple or pear.

Can I eat tuna if I have gastritis?

If you can eat tuna in case of gastritis. Natural foods are always preferred and canned foods should be avoided. In the case of tuna, it is canned, it must be consumed without any addition (natural, water-based tuna) and carefully remove the excess liquid with the preservatives contained in the can.

Can I drink milk if I have gastritis?

You can consume lactose-free or soy-based dairy products. However, it is recommended that dairy products be consumed in a reduced way and always evaluating the presence of symptoms associated with their consumption.

It is not advisable to ingest dairy in large quantities to avoid or improve gastritis symptoms.

Can I eat bread if I have gastritis?

Most refined wheat bread can increase the burning sensation or acidity. You can eat them in small amounts and try some types of bread made from other cereals and measure your tolerance.

Can I eat eggs if I have gastritis?

If you can eat eggs if you have gastritis, it does not usually make gastritis worse in most people, however, a very greasy fried egg can make gastritis worse in some people, if this is the case you should avoid fried egg.

Is bread bad for gastritis?

Bread in some people can accelerate or cause heartburn or heartburn. In these cases, it is advisable to avoid it or look for an alternative in the diet. However, the effects of bread are limited to the symptoms and by itself it does not cause gastritis or gastric ulcers.

Can I eat beans if I have gastritis?

There is no contraindication to eating beans or grains with gastritis. Some people may experience gas or bloating (inflammation) in the abdomen, caused by the amount of fiber in beans. This by itself should not limit your intake and has nothing to do with gastritis or gastric ulcers.

Can I have yogurt if I have gastritis?

Dairy products should be limited in cases of gastritis and gastric ulcers. Most yogurt is acidic, which can make symptoms worse. But, each case must be viewed individually. If yogurt is well tolerated, it is not necessary to eliminate it from the diet.

Can I eat ice cream if I have gastritis?

You can consume ice cream that is fat-free, fruit-based or more neutral flavors. They can be consumed but not in large quantities or frequently.

Can I eat oatmeal if I have gastritis?

There is no problem at all consuming oatmeal if you have gastritis. If symptoms occur with oatmeal, additional digestive tract problems must be considered, apart from gastritis.

Can I eat tomato if I have gastritis?

Tomato is preferred to avoid the chaos of gastritis and gastric ulcers. Like all foods, it is not necessary to eliminate completely, unless consuming tomato generates many digestive symptoms. Otherwise, it is not necessary to completely suppress the tomato, just eat in moderation.

Can I eat mango if I have gastritis?

Mango can be consumed if there is gastritis. In general, it is a well-tolerated fruit at the gastric level. Like all foods, its tolerance should be tested and its excessive consumption should never be abused.

Can I eat grapes if I have gastritis?

Grapes have a certain degree of acidity, which can trigger symptoms. Its occasional and moderate consumption should not be a problem. Avoid excessive consumption of grapes.

Can I eat corn if I have gastritis?

There are NO problems in eating corn in cases of gastritis. Corn in all its forms is a good way to include certain carbohydrates in the diet of a person with gastritis.

Can I eat chocolate if I have gastritis?

Chocolate is not recommended in cases of gastritis, in particular, if it is associated with gastroesophageal reflux. Very occasional and in moderate amounts should not be a problem, but we must try to avoid it.

Can I eat honey if I have gastritis?

There are no problems in consuming honey in cases of gastritis. Some scientific papers on natural medicine even promote its use to eliminate H. pylori and improve certain types of gastritis. ( Reference )

Can I eat onion if I have gastritis?

You can eat onion in limited quantities. It is one of the few foods of plant origin that it is advisable to avoid. Especially if there are excessive gas problems.

Can I eat strawberries if I have gastritis?

Strawberries are citrus fruits, which can be eaten in moderation or avoided in many cases. It is always important to measure your tolerance and avoid excessive or frequent consumption.

Can I eat mayonnaise if I have gastritis?

In small portions and occasionally, mayonnaise can be consumed. You have to remember its level of fat and its slowness for digestion. Fatty foods must be consumed in moderation.

What juices can I drink if I have gastritis?

You can take some juices prepared based on papaya, you can also consume pears, apples, and juices based on carrot and coconut.

What fruits can I eat if I have gastritis?

The fruits that can be consumed in cases of gastritis are pear, apple, banana, papaya, coconut, and avocado. It is important to avoid the consumption of citrus fruits or at least decrease the quantity and frequency.

What vegetables can I eat if I have gastritis?

Most of the vegetables can be consumed in case of gastritis. It should be taken into account that cooked vegetables are preferred and if they are raw, consume at home with greater care when washing.

What foods not to eat for gastritis

What can't you eat when you have gastritis?

During this article, the prohibited foods in gastritis are explained in more detail. Acidic foods: citrus juices, spicy, pepper, prepared sauces, dressings, vinegar.

Fried foods such as junk food, fried foods, prepackaged foods, fatty foods.

Caffeine-based drinks, sodas, and alcoholic beverages, especially wine and beer.

Foods that cause gastritis
Food in general, can increase or cause more or less digestive symptoms, but they do not directly cause gastritis. Gastritis has a multifactorial origin, where eating habits are involved, such as periods of prolonged fasting, meals before going to bed, variable proportions of meals, etc.

But the type of foods that can cause gastritis is limited to coffee and some alcoholic beverages in excess.

Example of a 1-day gastritis menu
A simple example of how to prepare a diet for gastritis would be

Breakfast: Toasted bread with turkey ham and skimmed milk. Papaya
Snack: Baked apple
Lunch: Grilled or baked chicken or fish, never fried. White rice and baked vegetables.
Mid-afternoon: A small pear.
Dinner: Carrot or vegetable soup. Papaya
What can I eat if I have gastritis and colitis?
In addition to the dietary recommendations for gastritis, foods that should be avoided in case of colitis are added, these are:

Grains and beans in general.
Avoid all types of dairy.
Avoid seasonings like garlic and onion.
Do not consume any type of sweetener or artificial sweeteners or carbonated drinks.
Avoid vegetables like cabbages: cauliflower, cabbage. lettuce and Brussels sprouts.
What can I take for gastroenteritis?
Gastroenteritis is the inflammation of the entire digestive tract, generally due to viral infectious causes, although they have other etiologies as well. They are transitory processes, but the food is very important.

In these cases, until the clinical picture improves, it should be avoided;

All kinds of beverages with caffeine, theine, alcoholic beverages, and citrus.
No type of dairy food
No type of fried foods or fatty foods
Incorporate lots of fluids and soft foods
Recipes for gastritis and reflux

Skimmed or lactose-free milk (1 glass)
Toasted bread with ham and cheese.

A baked papaya or pear juice

Baked vegetables
Baked or roasted fish or chicken

Turkey breast sandwich
An infusion without caffeine

Carrot puree with potatoes
An apple in syrup
Now you know the prohibited foods for gastritis, you can help take care of your health more easily and plan a healthy diet.source (1)

Image by Pixabay


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