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Best Foods That Stimulate Increased Testosterone Levels Naturally

Testosterone Levels  Naturally

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Low testosterone levels can be increased if you eat certain foods. Testosterone is a "male sex hormone, " which is also found in small amounts in women.

Testosterone is a hormone that not only influences sexual drive, but also fertility, bone health, muscle development, hair growth, and sperm production.

"A person's testosterone level" decreases between 1 and 2 percent each year as they age, but there may be other causes, such as lifestyle choices, certain medical conditions, and the foods eaten, that could be the cause in the decline.
There are medical treatments that can increase the level of testosterone, mainly in younger men; But also, the body can be encouraged to produce more testosterone, through a better lifestyle and the choice of certain foods that increased testosterone levels naturally.

It is advisable to consider the total intake of foods that have nutrients that mimic hormones, such as " phytoestrogens" , which can act as hormone disruptors to achieve better levels of testosterone.

There are two nutrients that are especially important, "vitamin D and zinc", as they are precursors to produce testosterone.

In this article, we will mention "foods in which these two nutrients excel", in addition to other foods to increase testosterone levels. We also describe products to avoid and other ways to increase testosterone production.

Foods That Increase Testosterone Naturally

1. Tuna

Tuna helps in the production of testosterone and has been linked to a longer life. It is rich in vitamin D, rich in protein, low in calories, and good for heart health.

Whether canned or fresh to eat, this type of fish is a natural way to increase testosterone. One serving of this food can meet your daily needs for vitamin D. If you are not a tuna lover, you can consider other sources of vitamin D, such as sardines or salmon.

In order to reduce the intake of mercury present in shellfish, remember to consume a maximum of two or three servings a week.


2. Egg Yolks

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The "yolk of the egg" contains more nutrients than the white, and are a rich source of vitamin D.

While cholesterol gets a bad rap, you can safely eat an egg a day as long as you don't have pre-existing cholesterol problems.

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3. Enriched kinds of cereal

Eggs are not the only food for breakfast that can help with testosterone, if you have to control your blood cholesterol, there is good news, "cereals fortified with vitamin D".

There are certain brands of cereals fortified with vitamin D, great to start the day, that contain many healthy nutrients for the heart, and that will also help you with your testosterone levels.

4. Beans

Beans may offer more benefits than you might think when it comes to male hormone health. Many legumes, such as chickpeas, lentils, and baked beans, are good sources of zinc.

Other added benefits of these foods are that they are "full of fiber" and plant proteins that can protect your heart health.

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5. Low-Fat Milk Fortified With Vitamin D

Milk is a good source of protein and calcium, so boys are encouraged to drink milk for better bone health, but milk, too, can keep men's bones strong.

The vitamin D content in milk can also keep testosterone levels in check.
Be sure to choose milk fortified with vitamin D. Choose skim or low-fat versions. They have the same nutrients as whole milk without all the saturated fat.

6. Oysters

foods to increase testosterone

"Zinc is an essential nutrient during puberty," and its deficiency can cause delayed sexual maturation and impotence problems. It also, causing men to develop "hypogonadism," where the body does not produce enough testosterone.

Oysters contain more zinc per serving than any other food, and "zinc is essential for sperm health and reproductive function."

7. Lobsters or Crabs

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An occasional helping of lobster or crab can help your testosterone levels benefit. This is due in part to the zinc content in these shellfish.

The National Centers for Health state that Alaska king crab contains 43 percent of your daily value for zinc in just a 3-ounce serving.

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8. Beef

Consuming too much red meat raises health concerns, as some cuts are higher in fat than poultry. Also, red meat is associated with certain types of cancer, such as colon cancer.

Despite this, some cuts of beef have nutrients that can increase testosterone. For example, beef liver is an exceptional source of vitamin D, while ground beef and roast contain zinc.
To keep the fats in beef under control, choose only lean cuts, and avoid eating them every day.

Other Foods That Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally

1. Green Leafy Vegetables

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Green leafy vegetables like spinach, chard, and kale are rich in magnesium, a mineral that can increase the body's testosterone level.

In a 2011 study, they found that taking magnesium supplements for 4 weeks caused an increase in testosterone levels in sedentary participants and athletes.source

However, the increase in testosterone was higher for inactive participants.

Foods That Stimulate Increased Testosterone Levels  Naturally

2. Fatty Fish And Fish Oil

The "United States Department of Agriculture" recommends consuming shellfish twice a week. Fatty fish is especially beneficial because it is rich in "omega-3 fatty acids. " Fatty acid levels can also be increased by taking fish oil or omega-3 supplements.

'Results of a  2016 animal study' indicate that fish oil may increase semen quality and serum testosterone levels in dogs by improving their fatty acid profiles.source

3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

how to increase male testosterone naturally

Olive oil is an essential food in the Mediterranean diet, which has many health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.

This oil is rich in monounsaturated fats and vitamin E, important for its antioxidant action. Factors that contribute to the health benefits of food.source
Extra virgin olive oil can also improve male reproductive health. Results from one study indicate that oil can increase serum testosterone levels in healthy adult men.

According to the study, the participants also experienced an increase in "luteinizing hormone," which stimulates cells in the testes to produce testosterone.

4. Onions

Onions can provide many health benefits, from a healthy heart to slimming the waist. In addition, they are a good source of various nutrients and antioxidants. Onions can also increase low testosterone levels.

A 2012 study with a rat model found that daily intake of onion juice for 4 weeks significantly increased serum total testosterone levels.

However, more research is required to determine the effects in humans.source

Increased Testosterone Levels  Naturally

5. Ginger

how to increase male testosterone naturally
Photo by matka_Wariatka
Ginger has been used for centuries for medicinal and culinary purposes, it also has great antioxidant power. New research indicates that ginger may improve fertility in men.

The findings indicated that taking a daily ginger supplement for 3 months increased testosterone levels by 18% in 80 male participants with fertility problems. The authors indicated that ginger can also improve sperm health.source

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Foods You Should Avoid Consuming

Some foods can lower testosterone levels, people looking to raise their levels should try to avoid them.

1. Processed Food

Many frozen or pre-packaged meals are processed foods, offering little nutritional value and tend to be high in calories, salt, fat, and sugar.

In particular, "processed foods contain high amounts of trans fats ', which ' can reduce testosterone levels" and affect testicular function, according to results of a study done in 2017.source

2. Foods Canned Or Packaged In Plastic

"Chemicals" in canned or plastic containers "can affect testosterone levels. "

For example, water in plastic bottles or reheated food in plastic containers may contain chemicals, such as bisphenol A (BPA) or bisphenol S that people ingest.
The results of a 2013 study showed that men who work in environments (factories) with high levels of BPA have reduced levels of free testosterone and androstenedione, a hormone that can be converted into testosterone or estrogen. It should be mentioned that in food packaging, BPA is present in much smaller amounts.

It was found in a 2011 study that 89% of men who attended a fertility clinic had BPA in their urine.

Those with BPA in their urine also had lower levels of testosterone and thyroid-stimulating hormone. Low levels of this hormone can indicate " hypothyroidism," a condition that can lower testosterone in some men.

Best Foods That Stimulate Increased Testosterone Levels  Naturally

3. Alcohol

Occasional alcohol in moderate amounts, such as a glass of red wine, can provide health benefits. Although drinking too much, it can reduce fertility in both men and women.

The " National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism " of the US, warns that high alcohol consumption is related to low levels of testosterone and changes in the amounts of other reproductive hormones.

Other Ways to Increase Testosterone
There are "changes that can increase testosterone levels," such as changes in diet, changes in lifestyle, and medical treatments. But a person can also increase their testosterone levels by doing the following activities:

*Losing weight, if you are overweight
*Exercise regularly
*Building muscle through "resistance training"
*Sleep well enough
*Reduce stress
*Talk to a doctor about testosterone therapy

Testosterone naturally declines with age, but levels can also be low due to medical conditions or medications. Anyone experiencing symptoms of low testosterone should speak to a doctor.

Certain foods, such as oysters, green leafy vegetables, fatty fish, and olive oil, can stimulate increased testosterone. Foods that contain zinc, vitamin D, and magnesium can be key.

A person can ensure that they are getting the proper nutrients by eating a balanced diet.

Exercising regularly and reducing stress can also help increase low testosterone levels. In order to see the results, most people need a combination of approaches addressed.source source (1)

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