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From 20 to 30: this is how your body changes in just a decade naturally


From 20 to 30: this is how your body changes in just a decade naturally

 Metabolism slows down and memory worsens, but good habits will be a very effective help.

You can exercise daily; take care of your diet like the most; do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, do not stay up late, and always sleep the recommended 8 hours. You can apply each and every one of the points on that list that would be titled 'how to live longer and better' and it sure will. But the passage of time and its effects are inexorable, and your body experiences them throughout life. They are not appreciable on a daily basis, but when you turn 30 and look back you will see that in just a decade (even as decisive as this one), your mind, your skin, your metabolism, and your entire body have changed. You will have acquired more experience and knowledge about life, but your body is no longer the same as when you were 20 and you will have to interpret in beauty routines a little more.


1. Less memory

It has little to do with your intellectual capacity, since, according to a study by the University of Alberta (Canada), neurons can continue their development beyond adolescence, until well into their twenties. However, there are other factors that generally begin to emerge in the life of a 20-year-old - such as stress or lack of sleep - that can reduce attention span and memory. Sleeping well, practicing meditation or mindfulness, and including beneficial foods such as nuts or spinach in your diet are good habits to avoid this problem.

2. Your metabolism slows down

Being closely linked to hormones, any change in the hormonal system will affect metabolism. Therefore, many girls believe that their metabolism will remain constant from adolescence to menopause, but nothing is further from the truth. Although the big change does come in that last stage, from the age of 30 the basal caloric consumption (the calories that your body burns at rest) is decreasing little by little, so it is possible that, from that age, your body change ... And, yes, you might get fat. How to avoid it? According to the latest studies, coffee (always in moderation), thermogenic foods like green tea, and high-intensity interval training or HIIT can help jump-start your metabolism.

body changes

3. The skin begins to change

Dermatologists say that, after the age of 25, the skin stops making collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid by itself, which makes it less flexible and the first wrinkles can appear. On the other hand, the cases of women who have passed their entire adolescence free of pimples and, already after 20, begin to suffer from the dreaded adult acne, a problem suffered by half of the women between 20 and 29, are not rare. years and prevails at 35.2% in the following decade. Remedying these changes is to readjust the care ritual to the needs of the skin and include all the essential cosmetics: serum, eye contour, and moisturizer, as well as cleanser, exfoliator, and facial oil.

4. You have to tone more and better

The best physical shape is reached, on average, at age 25, according to research. At that age, in general, the muscles have a greater capacity for effort and recovery, and the bone density is maximum. From then on, we are sorry, it is not worth eating little. Exercise is even more necessary. Combining strength sessions to keep muscles toned with disciplines that develop flexibility and improve posture (such as yoga or Pilates) will go a long way.

body changes

5. Sundays are worse (and your body is to blame)

No one will dare to deny it: hangovers were much more bearable when you were 20 years old. Despite the fact that you have fewer and fewer drinks and go to bed earlier, the day after is always worse. The explanation lies in another change in your body: the function of the liver, which is responsible for eliminating alcohol from the body, slows down with age. And to avoid a hangover, there is only one solution: do not drink alcohol, a measure that, in addition to your liver, your skin, your metabolism, your neurons, and your training the day after the party will thank you.source (1)

Of course, from 20 to 30 the experience will be a degree -in every way- and at the turn of the decade, you will know better what your body and mind need. In short, after 30 you will surely know how to listen to your body.


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