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How to take care of your healthy teeth and gums


How to take care of your healthy teeth and gums

Maintaining healthy and strong teeth is synonymous with daily work. Following some guidelines, every day will help us maintain good oral health and also save us problems in the future. Wearing a beautiful smile is not only obviously physical, it can also be related to enviable health. Following these 10 tips to take care of your healthy teeth and gums that we propose will help you forget the problems in your teeth.

How to care of your healthy teeth and gums:


1. Clean teeth 3 times a day.

Correct oral cleaning is mandatory in order to maintain the health of our teeth. A gentle brushing of about three minutes in the morning, after eating and before going to bed will help us to maintain white teeth, pink gums and eliminate the remains of food that can cause us, among other problems, cavities or tartar.

2. I floss.

Flossing is one of the 10 most effective teeth care tips. They will help us to eliminate those remains of food that despite using the toothbrush are still embedded in the most inaccessible nooks between our teeth.

3. Annual check-up of your teeth.

Although apparently, you do not have any problem with your teeth, prevention is another method to take care of them. The ideal is to visit your dentist every six months or, at most, visit your dentist once a year for a professional check-up and cleaning of your teeth.

4. Avoid tobacco and alcohol consumption.

They are two of the eternal enemies of our teeth, especially the first. Tobacco not only darkens our smile, it can also cause the poor condition of our teeth. If you are a consumer of it, keep the cleaning and professional supervision of your teeth at bay.

5. Eat fruit.

The vitamins in the fruit not only help our defenses and our organism, but it also helps with strength and oral health. One tip to take care of your healthy teeth is to eat several pieces of fruit a day and put your jaw to work.

healthy teeth and gums

Read more: 20 High Fiber Foods You Should Eat Every Day

6. Use mouthwash.

After brushing our teeth and flossing, it is advisable to use a mouthwash, at least two of the three times that we brush our teeth each day.This will help eliminate bacteria and microorganisms that cause a multitude of oral problems.Rinse your mouth for 30 seconds and then do not drink anything, not even water, for the next 30 minutes. Let the rinse do its job.

7. The importance of fluoride.

Tooth decay can be prevented with the use of fluoride as it undoubtedly helps to strengthen tooth enamel and helps keep teeth healthy.Therefore, when buying your toothpaste we recommend that you have this element that, in addition, will provide you with fresh breath with a clean sensation.

8. Acidic foods.

Not only tobacco or alcohol can harm our oral health, but also different foods, saturated fats, fast food, fried foods and acidic foods. Moderate their consumption and, above all, keep your cleanliness more at bay than ever when you consume them. It also increases the consumption of proteins, calcium, and vitamins A, C, D, and K.

9. A good brushing.

When it comes to brushing your teeth, not everything goes. You have to know how to do it and dedicate a specific time to it. Always brush your teeth gently and without damaging both the gums and the enamel itself, use brushes that are not too hard and change it every three months, make short and circular movements both backward and forwards and, of course, do not forget to brush even the tongue.

take care of your healthy teeth and gums

10. Orthodontics.

The use of orthodontics will help solve aesthetic and oral health problems. If your dentist offers it to you as one of the tips to take care of your teeth, listen to it, you will avoid problems in the future.

More care of your healthy teeth and gums:

It is never a good time to suffer a dental emergency, but, in the middle of quarantine, taking care of your teeth is even more key. Because, as Dr. Iván Malagón, a world leader in the world of orthodontics, tells us, “a problem with our mouth, gums or teeth can be very detrimental to our health, both oral and general. Furthermore, now more than ever, it is important to avoid added complications that modify and disturb our current rhythm of life ”.

So that confinement does not turn into a real toothache, Iván recommends these eight keys :


To carry out a correct hygiene routine, it is essential to take care of both the tooth and the entire structure that surrounds it. To do this, floss once a day, before brushing at night.


The brushing must be mechanically effective. Pass the brush several times over each surface until you reach the last teeth, which are the wisdom teeth. They are the least accessible and with the least space, so they tend to accumulate more food scraps, which can cause pain and infection.


Take care of the healthy teeth and gums.In addition to the teeth, you also have to brush the gums. So that they are not inflamed, they must be stimulated with the brush, giving small massages with circular movements, from the part of the gum to that of the tooth.Oral irrigators are great allies because they favor this stimulation and prevent the gum from bleeding.


Pay attention to the tongue. Despite being a very important element in our mouth and that it also stores food and food remains, the tongue is one of the great forgotten parts of the daily care routine. To keep it in perfect condition it is important to use a tongue cleaner, a very easy-to-use oral hygiene tool.


Avoid biting too hard food. The legs of certain shellfish, very hard nuts, some candies ... Any of them can cause microtrauma or micro-fractures that can cause sensitivity, since if the upper layers of enamel (which are the ones that protect) fall off, the dentin, which It is much more porous and has more nerve endings, it is exposed, something tremendously annoying.

healthy teeth and gums
How to take care of your healthy teeth and gums


Attention to habits. In recent weeks, videos of people opening beer bottles with their grinders have proliferated on the internet. This is a big problem because it can lead to fractures that, at best, cause tenderness and, at worst, loss of teeth.


Watch the temperature of what you eat and drink. Going from cold to hot, and vice versa, is not good for our teeth. So avoid having a very hot coffee and, immediately afterward, an ice cream. Sudden changes in temperature cause more blood to reach the blood vessels inside the tooth (in the dental pulp), inflaming them and causing a lot of pain. If this is done repeatedly and is maintained over time, it can even cause necrosis of the piece.


Avoid eating foods that are sticky or too sweet. They could adhere to the areas that are most compromised with fissures or microfractures and cause cavities in the short and medium-term.source (2)(1)


Image by Pixabay


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